Why I went to bed angry Saturday night
First off, condolences to the loved ones of those lost in Friday's avalanche in B.C. Their grief must surely be immeasurable.
On Saturday evening, I had dinner with one of my favourite couples. We've been friends for 16 years now. In addition to being very decent, ethical people, they are among the most generous and considerate I know. They are 'people helpers'. I can think of example after example of where they've come to the aid of others, just because they're so caring and thoughtful.
They have, unfortunately been betrayed. There are other words I could use, but the bottom line is 'they've been betrayed' by someone they trusted. Obviously, they're shocked, just as I was when I heard the details. With any luck they'll be able to settle affairs quickly with the 'betrayer' and continue on with their lives.
What outrages me is that it is SO unfair, SO cruel, SO heartless, SO unnecessary.
My friends are feeling much the same way I felt when I was betrayed. 'Bad things' happen all the time, HOWEVER, there's a difference between events that are uncontrollable, and things that are done on 'purpose'.
I desperately wanted to 'wave a wand' and take away the pain and anxiety my friends are now feeling, just as people wanted to do for me when I was reeling. I searched for the right words and I 'hope' I managed to say something encouraging.
Something that was said to me over and over again when I was grieving was that 'I'd done nothing wrong' and that eventually that knowledge would comfort me.
Whoever told me that was right. Today I take great comfort in 'knowing' KNOWING that not only did I do nothing wrong, I didn't deserve what happened to me.
With the exception of Saturday night, perhaps it's one of the reasons I sleep so well at night. I sleep well because my conscience is clear. Am I perfect? HARDLY! I assure you, I'm a very flawed human being. I do however know the difference between right and wrong; always have, always will.
I don't know if 'betrayers' or other evil doers always get their comeuppance. I do believe though that you 'reap what you sow.'
My friends will not only survive this catastrophe, they will thrive.
For my part, I will do what I can to encourage and support them which is a really easy thing to do because they truly are 'salt of the earth', remarkable people.