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Gypsy Lady

Can't believe we did it! Me and my partner in crime, Tiffany Dowhan and I got our tarot cards and palms read today in the French Quarters here in New Orleans! Tiffany went first, then I skeptically sat down and let the 'Gypsy Lady' read my cards. This after she explained she was the 'real deal', that the other palm readers working beside her were not truthful. She added that her aunt, working a few chairs over was the only other legit psychic. I'm using gentle language to describe what she said. Her vocabulary was a little more......colourful. Both Tiff and I....blushed. Anyway, she told me that I was overly analytical, that I've had 3 past lives, that I'm low on iron and that I'm getting ready to take a break. Not sure about the past lives, but she was accurate with her other observations. She also told me that I was going to live to 96, that I'm too picky when it comes to love and that my next husband will be a winner. With that, I paid her $30 and Tiffany and I were on our way. We both agreed there was no way we could have come to New Orleans and NOT had our palms read.

As I look back on the eve of our departure, I've enjoyed some unbelievable food, great music, real Cajun culture, a Bayou adventure, plantation tour AND a Chinese massage. In addition, I have a true sense of what life is like down here in the Big Easy. People are the same everywhere, however how we 'live' is very different. One of the great benefits of traveling, is that you really appreciate 'home'. This trip, like every experience these days, has taught me more about what I 'do and don't like', and how I want to live my life. I so want to make the most of everyday and take NOTHING for granted. Life is precious and very fragile. I've been reminded of what a good life I have in Edmonton, what remarkable friends I have and how I have a second chance at life; 'this life' that is. Not factoring in my past lives in this equation!

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