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Talking and sharing

Today is Monday, January 18th. According to British researchers, it is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Apparently, this is the day when the 'world' feels overwhelmed by Christmas bills, when resolutions have fallen by the wayside and when everyone here in the Great White North realizes we're in the dead of winter.

It's so interesting, because everyone and I mean EVERYONE I've talked to, is happy the holidays are over! They're happy to be back into their routine and happy to get on with life. That's most assuredly where I am. I found the holidays challenging this time around and my spirit seemed instantly lifted when they were over.

I understand how research works. I understand the variables used and how scientists came up with their conclusions about 'today'.

We are all however, our own best researchers. We all know what makes us happy or sad. We all have our own life stories that obviously affect our mood on any given day.

As you know, I rarely if ever, give advice. I am however a fearless defender of one's right to feel 'whatever it is they're feeling' and to make no apologies for it. If you, like me today are joyful, how lucky for us! If you're blue, I sincerely hope you 'talk' to someone about it.

It was through 'talking and sharing' that I recovered from my worst days.

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