No small feat
Top of the mornin' to you!
That's what I heard yesterday morning when my father's cousin from Ireland rang me up. I think it's been 20 years since I last spoke with Joe McAlinden. He has this wonderful Irish accent and when we chatted, it was as though we had spoken the day before.
'I wanted to congratulate you on your new career' he said. Joe was referring to my writing. We talked about what had happened in my life. I told him that I couldn't believe I made the same mistake twice; that being TWICE marrying men I shouldn't have. Joe was understanding and compassionate. He told me I had nothing to be ashamed of and that he was proud of me.
Naturally, I asked all about his family and his life. He said that while the economy in Ireland is picking up now, the primary problem is the weather. Floods have devastated many areas; people have lost homes and businesses. He says it's all anyone talks about these days.
He went on to tell me that I come from a long line of 'story tellers'; that my Great Grandfather was well known for being able to regale crowds.
We had a wonderful visit and it made me think about perhaps travelling to Ireland this summer to see Joe and his family.
As important, was his comment, 'your new career'. You see, to some degree, I think I've taken my writing and even my book for 'granted'. Yet when I think back, it's really bloody amazing to me that last year, I managed to write a book, publish it and then sell 2000 copies! That is NO small feat.
Of course I have all of you to thank for that, so again......thank you.
I thought about it all day yesterday and certainly confirmed in my mind that I happen to 'love' writing. Good heavens, posting my daily blog is one of my favourite things to do! Ergo, in addition to blogging and writing another book, perhaps I should be looking for other places where I can write. I would certainly love to hear any ideas you might have. I will continue to write about the topic I know best. That topic is 'me' and my adventures.
Among my adventures today, a trip to Calmar to see my hairdresser Rhonda Hoff Sawchuk. I just adore her! She's down to earth, smart, friendly and we always have great visits. Yes, I do find it funny that I live in downtown Edmonton, yet I drive to Calmar to get my hair done! By the way, I'm not the only one. Her shop, 'The Rhooster Tail' has many clients from Edmonton. If you're looking for a new 'do', by all means check her out.
Alrighty, time to get moving! Happy Wednesday Friends!