2015 in the review mirror
Good Thursday morning!
Today is New Years Eve. I've had a relatively good holiday season. There were days when the time just flew by, other days when I wasn't sure what to do with myself.
I've visited with friends and family, had plenty of great food and I've watched a good number of movies, perhaps too many.
I've come to terms with many things this month, which means I've done a LOT of work. Recovery 'is' work. I will share my discoveries with you in the coming days and weeks.
As I look back over 2015, I will remember it for many highlights and low points.
In January, I was devastated when I learned my ex had already been engaged for several months. My therapist explained it was just another cord being severed; that's what happens in divorce.
By April, I decided I would release my book, 'The Gift of Adultery'.
In May, realtor Sally Munro found me a wonderful home on Jasper Avenue. I purchased it and two days later she sold my old condo.
I moved in July. The weekend before the movers came I was too excited to sleep, so I took a Nytol to help me rest the night before they arrived. Unfortunately it kicked in JUST as they were loading up my belongings. I fell asleep in my Lazy Boy chair while they loaded everything into their moving van. I woke up just before they were done. The young men said that if I hadn't woken up, they were going to haul down the chair with me in it!
In August, I released my book. Toby Mary Roach gave me a book release like no other. I was shocked when I drove up to see people lined up! It was her unbelievably hard work and kindness that made it all happen.
August, September and October were a whirlwind with library readings, speaking engagements and book signings. Thanks to you, I made it onto Edmonton's Best Seller's List!
In November, I hosted a trip to New Orleans with one of my besties, Tiffany Dowhan.
I decided to take the month of December off to just catch my breath. I'm ready now to get back to work on 'whatever.'
As for New Years Eve, it'll be a quiet one for me. Tomorrow I'm having coffee with a friend I haven't seen in years. We used to work together, so I'm looking forward to catching up with her.
While I'm hopeful about 2016, I'm much better these days at living 'one day at a time'. I'm going to make today a good one, and if I do that, I know I have a better chance of having a good 'tomorrow'. I believe that applies to all of us.
Happy New Year's Friends!