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The Holiday spirit

Good Friday evening!

I love leftovers, and I had Thanksgiving leftovers for both lunch and dinner today. Had a wonderful dinner with my Baby Sister and her other guests Thursday. At one point, I felt like 'Cam' in the sitcom 'Modern Family!' This as I shared stories of life growing up on the farm. It was clear the city folks at the table had never heard anything like it, and we all laughed uproariously.

Today, we did what a good many others did in Atlanta; we picked up a Christmas tree! We bought it at 'Big John's Tree Lot'. I couldn't believe all the cars with trees tied to the roof! It looked very funny to me, especially on such a hot day. As we drove home, it felt like we were in that movie 'Harry and the Henderson's'. We of course didn't have a Sasquatch on our roof; we just had a tree.....a very large tree.

It's now in my sister's home, in the stand, and it smells marvellous.

I don't think I'll put up a tree this year. I tried SO hard last year to make Christmas just like any other Christmas. It wasn't. I survived, but it was brutal. This year will be much better. I can tell already. I'm excited about the dinner parties I have planned, but that's plenty enough. I'm not going to try to push it this year. I'm not going to try to make everything seem normal. It's not.

I'm just going to go with the flow. If I want to do more for Christmas I will, if not---I won't try to force it like I did last year. It'll be 'one day at a time,' which is actually a good way to live year round. Still working on that. Then again, who isn't?

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