I am who I am
Greetings from the Houston Airport!
Slept all the way here, which makes me VERY happy. I believe I was able to nap because of my new travel pillow. The other day I googled 'best travel pillow' and found one on Amazon that was rated Britain's #1 invention last year. That alone surprised me, because I think William and Harry are Britain's #1 invention.
Anyway, it's an odd looking travel pillow, but it clearly works! Sorry I don't know the name of it; if you google it, I'm sure you'll find it.
Sleep is really important to a person's mental and physical well being. I REALLY noticed it when I was unable to sleep for a few months. It was brutal, absolutely brutal. Ergo, these days I make sure I get my sleep. When I'm short on sleep, I neither do my best thinking, nor my best planning. When I'm tired I get cranky and sad.
So, I'm well rested and will soon catch a flight to the 'Big Easy'! Many of my travel mates are people I've traveled with before. It means they already know I sometimes fake that I'm sleeping when I need quiet time, I sometimes pretend that I can't hear if a person is annoying me, and I'm way more fun in the.......afternoon!
By the way, I used to beat myself up for being the way I am. I don't anymore. It's just who I am, and it makes me unique JUST like every other person out there. Here's to 'celebrating our uniqueness'.
Gotta hide; just saw one of our potential trouble makers headed my way.......