I'm doing just fine
What a fabulous surprise today on this Therapy Thursday!
As many of you know, I only see my therapist once a month now. I always look forward to our discussions.
I started out today by telling her where my head was at, what I was planning for the next few months, and a decision I made with regards to socializing. She interrupted as I was explaining some of my reasonings, and said 'Sharon, I just have to tell you. You sound wonderful right now. The clarity and confidence with which you speak are outstanding. You're oozing strength.'
I stopped in my tracks and actually wrote down what she said. I knew I'd want to journal about it AND I wanted to be able to remember it for a day when I'm not feeling so strong.
She explained that I truly have a good handle on 'who' I am, 'where' I've been, and what' I want in life. Her observations put me on 'cloud 9'.
If this appears boastful, please know IT'S SURELY NOT MEANT TO BE. I've been very transparent in sharing my pain with you, so I wanted to share my positives as well. In addition, I want everyone hurting to know if 'I' can get here, maybe they can as well.
What was interesting is the main question I had for my therapist today became null and void very early in my appointment. You see what I wanted to ask her was whether or not I'm at the 'right stage' of healing for someone 17 months into recovery. I did eventually ask.
My therapist smiled, laughed and asked 'what do you think?'
'What do I think?' After today's visit, I believe I'm doing just fine.