What a weekend!
Good Monday morning!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for ALL your kind, supportive words. You can't possible know what your heartfelt encouragement means to me. I literally feel like I have a 'village' behind me. A VERY LARGE VILLAGE. I have a wonderful home here on Facebook, filled with people I care about and who care about me. I'm extremely humbled, as I am no more deserving of love and kindness than anyone else. Yet, everyday, I find encouragement and hope through your words. Again, THANK YOU.
Other than voting, I'm taking the day off today because I NEED TO! I have a very exciting week. I'm in Mayerthorpe Wednesday afternoon, a girlfriend will be visiting for a couple of days, I'm in Tofield Friday and on Saturday, I deliver the keynote speech at the High Heels and Spurs Gala.
I'd be ever so grateful if you'd consider coming Saturday. It's in Edmonton, and in addition to a fabulous meal, speech, and silent auction, we'll be able to dance the night away when Tiffany Dowhan hits the stage! It just occurred to me, I have not danced since January 2014. That's almost 2 years!! That's okay. I'll dance again; all in good time.
Tickets to the Gala are $100. I know that's pricey, however please note that all the money raised will go to 'self esteem programs' for young people. Perhaps if my self esteem had not been lacking, I would not have ended up in the mess I did last year. Regardless, if you're able to part with the ticket fee and join us, we'd love to see you there.
This Gala means a great deal to me. Tiffany asked me to speak months ago. 'She believed in me even before I did.'
For tickets, click here.