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I am thankful for ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good Monday morning. Here's to a glorious day whatever it is you're doing. I started off my day with coffee and 3 thick slabs of Irish Soda Bread. It was fabulous!

I'm in a very happy, grateful place today. Thank you to ALL of you who have shown me nothing but 'extreme kindness' in the past year. I could have never imagine I'd be where I am today. Just off the top of my head, I'm grateful for so many things. They include:

1. My health 2. My friends 3. My family 4. THE FACT THAT I'M NOT SAD TODAY! 5. I have food in my fridge 6. My book project has surpassed all expectations. 7. Releasing the book helped me heal in ways I could have never foreseen. 8. I'm excited about my future 9. I have 'hope' again 10. My new home is very comfortable and I've settled in quite nicely. 11. I'm starting to entertain and cook again. 12. I have several public speaking engagements coming up. 13. I have learned 'tools and coping strategies' for when I get in trouble. 14. A had a therapist who convinced me I'd make it if I 'went through' the pain. 15. I have a fun trip to New Orleans coming up with Karen Maluta and Around the World Travel. 16. I don't remember the last time I woke up crying. 17. There isn't 'anything' I'm dreading. Last year at this time, I dreaded every weekend, every holiday, EVERY reminder of my past. 18. I'm much better at saying 'no' to people/things I don't want in my life. 19. I'm much better at inviting people/things into my life that I do want. 20. I'm stronger than I've ever been in my life.

Finally, I know that 'if today is as good as it gets, I've got it made.'

Happy Thanksgiving!

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