Be true to yourself
'Back on the beat tonight.'
Good Wednesday Morning! I have 'police work' this evening. I've been so busy with my book I haven't had much time as of late for the Edmonton Police Foundation.
Tonight is our annual gala though, so I'll be getting all gussied up in my finest to attend this evenings party. Just realized, this is my first 'dress up' event in quite some time. I'm looking forward to seeing other board members and to catching up on Foundation business.
Had a great visit with my therapist Tuesday. By the time I had my appointment, my 'grief spell' had passed. She's given me remarkable coping tools. Not sure how I would have managed without them. While I do loathe grieving, something good ALWAYS comes out of my pain. ALWAYS. Not only that, every time I cry, I know I'm one step closer to being my 'whole self' again.
We did talk about dating. Her advice? 'Be true to yourself'. It's so interesting. Throughout my nightmare, I really didn't have to discover who I was. I know who I am. What I had to figure out was 'why on earth' I would have EVER put myself in the company of others whose morals and values were so different than mine. I have that answer now, AND I'm confident I won't do it again......EVER.
Have a great Wednesday! I'll tell you all about the Gala tomorrow!