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Things I have learned

Something rather dramatic happened last week.

I kept it to myself, as I needed to 'deal with it' before I shared it. Someone endeavoured to......bully me.

Oh, first things first. Good Morning, and happy Tuesday!

What was remarkable to me is that in the past, I would have probably been hurt by the bully's words. I would have probably been angry. My therapist by the way taught me that 'angry and hurt' are pretty much synonymous. It's true, isn't it? If someone makes us mad, it's often because their actions 'hurt us'.

Anyway, I was neither angry nor hurt. I recognized the woman who was targeting me was hurt herself; it's why she chose to attack me. The problem is that her ire was misdirected. I was NOT the source of her anger.

I don't take kindly to bullying. None of us should. After 3 days, I responded to her. I chose my words carefully. I provided 'clarification'. I also indicated that because of the abusive nature of her message, there would be no further communication.

I am a gentle soul HOWEVER I am not a doormat.

Here's to a glorious Tuesday! I'm working on my speech again today and I've got to get to Sears to pick up Wishbook BEFORE the snow flies!

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