Happy first day of Fall!
Happy Anniversary to me! Happy Anniversary to me!
Good Wednesday morning! I am celebrating today. It was exactly one year ago today that I knew, I KNEW with all my heart that I would make it! As you know, there have still been setbacks, HOWEVER it was on this day, one year ago, that things 'clicked'. Miraculously, it wasn't quite 6 months from the day my world collapsed.
What happened is that I played the 'what if' game. I asked myself 'what if' this is as good as it gets? In an instant, I knew the answer. 'If this was as good as it got, I had it made.' I had family and friends who loved me. I had a therapist determined to see me get through the pain. I had my wits about me, my health, a roof over my head, food in my fridge, money in my bank account and........I had faith. I also had a clear conscience. You can't put a price on that.
A few days later, I was even able to realize my culpability in the whole debacle. That being, that I should have never married the man I did. I was practically tripping over red flags, but I ignored them.
The one thing I don't regret is the friends I made during those years. In fact, I had dinner with one of those friends last night! I was excited all day knowing I'd get to see her, and we're already exchanging dates for our next outing.
For today's anniversary, I will among other things, be getting ready for this week's 'Gift of Adultery' road tour!!!!!!! Goin' to Vermilion tomorrow and St. Paul Friday!!!!
Happy first day of fall everyone!