Finding a balance
Happy New Year!
No, I haven't hit the bottle. I know it's September. It's just that I've always thought of fall as the start of a new year. It's to that end, I have come up with some New Year's Resolutions for myself!
Namely, I want to have more 'fun'. I can appreciate why someone might think 'more fun?????? You already have plenty of excitement in your life'. Yes, I do. I don't however, ' play' very much. I spend a great deal of time working on my book project and I don't go out enough. For example, I LOVE going to movies. Haven't been to one in forever. I LOVE going for coffee with friends. Haven't done that at all this summer. I would love to spend a Saturday toodling down Whyte Avenue. Haven't done that either.
NFL Football starts Thursday night. I LOVE the NFL. It's obviously not as much fun though to watch it by myself. I'm certain though, there are people I could go watch a game with; I just have to MAKE THE EFFORT.
What I have to do is find a balance between my need for downtime and my desire for playtime. After everything I've already done in the past year and a half, I think I can do this.
In the meantime, happy Labour Day my friends, and Go Esks Go!