The gifts I receive
Goin' to Lac La Biche!
THANK YOU Value Drug Mart! My book will be on the shelf in Lac La Biche tomorrow; I'll be there for a book signing Sept 18th!
Thought I'd share a sample of the letters/messages I now get EVERYDAY. This one came this morning:
I am reading your book, and I am ASTOUNDED BEYOND WORDS about the similarities! My marriage ended by adultery long ago, 1992-93. (I should've known something was up when he didn't come home for Christmas!) As I read your book, I see I went through the SAME THINGS! the self doubt, what did I do wrong, wondering what "they" were doing, on and on... It's all coming back to me (yes, you DO forget it and get on with your life) but it's coming back in a good way. I am not devastated by what I am recalling, I AM VALIDATED! You are giving me something I've never had all these years, validation! And for this I am extremely grateful. I recall going thru the stages you did, and doing the same things you did, altho I wrote letters to him and mailed them. Instead of a Victim Impact statement. I don't think he ever read them, so a Victim Impact Statement would've worked much better, but I didn't know about this. Your book is empowering thousands of women!
I am sorry you had to go thru such pain to reach this stage in your life, but you are doing SO MUCH GOOD every day now, and will continue to have a positive influence in ways you probably never even dreamt of. Thanks for writing, for sharing, and.....for bringing me VALIDATION!
I have moved on and am now happily married, we travel lots, live in Phoenix during winter months, etc -- joys I never would've dreamt of in the dark months following the end of my marriage.
This is just one of the reasons I wrote my book. EVERY one of these messages is a......'gift'.
On the fly today! Thank you for your delightful reaction to my 'Chapter's news' last night. I was and am, overwhelmed. Xox