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If You Listen, They Will Guide You

Good afternoon!

I'm late with today's blog because I had a treat this morning. I got to hold a 3 month old baby, feed her and burp her! Brooklyn is the granddaughter of a very dear friend. Today was the first time I've spent quality time with Brooklyn. Like all babies, she's....perfect. I was completely spellbound as she pursed her little lips together. When she stretched her fingers, they revealed perfectly shaped finger nails. The whites of her eyes were as white as cotton, and her eyes were crystal clear. As I held her, I thought about how loved she is, and I was reminded of a man who helped me a great deal early on in my journey of healing.

He is John W Myslicki. John is a philanthropist, a counsellor and leader. When there is a crisis, John is the first to ask how he can help. I didn't know John; I'd only met him once at CFCW radio, but it was clear in that meeting that this was a very wise man with a tremendous capacity for love and compassion.

I reached out to him two weeks after my ex left me for another woman. It was our wedding anniversary. My ex and I had already made plans to go out for dinner that evening and I had picked out a special dress.

Instead, I was in a living hell. I called John, and told him I was in trouble BECAUSE I KNEW I WAS IN TROUBLE. He drove to Edmonton and met with me.

Among other things, John reminded me how much my parents, who are both in heaven, loved me. He told me they would NOT want me to be suffering this way. He also told me that if I listened, they would guide me.

John was right. We all have someone who loves us. If it's not a parent, it might be another relative, or a friend or a neighbour. It's when we don't love ourselves that it's really helpful to remember all those who do love us.

When I find myself in a low spot, and I assure you I still do, I try to remember that I am loved. I try to remember that my Mom and Dad worked hard to give me a good life. I try to remember they would not want me to be sad. I also know they did not raise me to be a victim; they raised a good daughter, a survivor.

It's often out of respect and honour for them, that I pick myself up and tell myself 'I can do this'.

Today when John and I talk, we have much, much happier conversations. I'll always be grateful to him for reminding me I was loved.

Turned out to be a remarkable day! Baby Brooklyn in the morning and tonight. Go Esks Go!

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